Add-on Services
Your Undivided Navigator and the resources in our app are able to assist with many processes and questions related to education, public benefits, and insurance. However, families often require additional support to address their individual needs.
The following add-on services are available to help ensure that families receive all the assistance they need to access support for their kids. Please note that these services are only available with an Undivided member account.

Consultation call
Undivided members and Kickstart families are able to have a free 15-minute consultation to meet the advocate or specialist and determine if they would like to move forward with a paid add-on service. Your Navigator can help set up the consult call.
Navigator members (both monthly and annual) get a 10% discount on all add-on services. The annual member credit may be applied to these add-on services.

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Navigator Services

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Education Advocacy Services

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Health Plan Advocacy Services

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Public Benefits Services

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Research Services

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Homeschool Services

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Transition Support Services

Navigator Services
Undivided Navigator add-on services can offer additional support to your family for a wide variety of needs. Whether you need an extra Boost call to help tackle your short-term or long-term goals, or you’d like your Navigator to join your next IEP meeting, Undivided is here for you. Our dedicated Navigators are available to provide personal support for your family’s immediate needs and long-term goals.
Undivided Navigators charge an hourly rate of $100 per hour for participation in meetings. Navigator support may include:
- Additional Boost calls
- Meeting attendance (via Zoom)
- School team meetings
- IEP meetings (excluding IEP Advocacy Services)
- Regional Center meetings
- PCP meetings
- Medical practitioner meetings
Prior to your meeting, you can share any topics or concerns you want discussed during the meeting, and your Navigator will ensure that you are aware of whether each topic was discussed. When requested, your Navigator can take notes for you and add these notes to your account following completion of the meeting.
Your Navigator can also offer moral support. If you need a break from the meeting, they can help facilitate calling a break.

Education Advocacy
While it has been our experience that the most effective way forward begins with constructive collaboration, and we approach an IEP team in that spirit, it isn’t always possible. The term “advocacy” refers to the process of supporting someone, and we are here to advocate for your child in every way we can. Our ultimate goal is to work with you and the school team to establish a strength-based approach to the IEP so that your child can make meaningful progress toward their short- and long-term goals.
Undivided Education Advocates charge a rate of $150 per hour. A deposit equal to four hours of service is required to begin and will be applied to the first four hours of work performed.
Review previous IEPs and assessments: The Education Advocate will review any previous assessments as well as the last IEP, if applicable. A detailed review can help identify areas that may warrant further assessment or areas of need that have been identified but not addressed by the IEP team.
Preparation: Your Education Advocate will meet with you to discuss their understanding of the assessments and the most recent IEP and ensure that we’re aligned with you in our approach and priorities. They will go over your parental rights and work with you to determine who will be at the meeting and what their roles and perspectives are.
Participation in the meeting: Your Education Advocate will take whatever role you decide on together. Every meeting is different (they can also vary in time and format), and the Undivided team is here to support you at each step.
After-meeting review: After the meeting, your Education Advocate will meet with you to debrief, answer any questions, and review the draft IEP. This time will also allow for identification of any next steps.

Health Plan Advocacy Services
Families often require support to address their individual needs. A complimentary 15-minute consult call is a perfect starting point to assess your concerns and goals and determine what type of consultation or project will best meet your needs.
Health plan coverage audit and hourly consultation services
Health plan coverage and benefits audit: Flat fee
Undivided will provide a detailed walkthrough of your health plan’s benefits, limits, percentages, share of cost, accumulators to deductible and out-of-pocket, and timely filing limits. A written recap will be provided, and a review call will be scheduled to share a benefits breakdown with details of plan coverage as well as rosters of network-contracted providers and recommendations to help maximize reimbursement of services for your child’s care. Our audit package is designed to provide families with a chance to more fully understand coverage and to support informed choices for plan usage.
- Cost: $400 per audit.
Note: This is a required first step for all subsequent Health Plan Advocacy services.
Hourly consult: $150 per hour
Schedule one hour of professional time comprising document review prep time, live call time to discuss areas or issues of concern, and a written recap.
- Cost: $150 per hour, billed in 30-minute increments.
Claim management services
Out-of-network claims submission and monitoring for payment: Flat fee
Families using other Undivided Health Plan Advocacy Services can hand over management of out-of-network claims to save time and reduce stress, with the certainty that claims are submitted, tracked, and audited for correct processing. Parents find our customized claims tracker spreadsheet to be a great way to follow workflow and stay current on each claim’s progress.
- $75 per provider for monthly submission of standard claims processing at the health plan customer service level, after audit and a one-time $150 account setup fee.
- $100 per month per provider for claims with specialized authorizations and multiple reprocessing at the health plan customer service level, after audit and a one-time $150 account setup fee.
Manage pre-authorization requests for service: Flat fee
Gather clinical documentation to create and submit a case for pre-authorization when required for specific services by the health plan. As needed, confirm receipt of request, monitor review process, and obtain a timely determination.
- Cost: $400 per cycle per provider.
Audit status of retro claims for complete and accurate reprocessing: Hourly fee
Not sure why claims are failing basic processing or not yielding reimbursement? Unable to decipher the denial codes provided by the plan? Undivided can conduct a review of claims previously submitted to assess the basis of claims denial and provide a written blueprint for the family to self-advocate for eligible claims to be reprocessed.
- Cost: $150 per hour (likely minimum commitment of 3 hours for $450).
Additional support is available for reimbursement management of claims identified for potential reprocessing at the health plan level.
Health plan appeal services
Manage appeals at the health plan level: Hourly fee
Create, submit, and monitor an appeals package through both internal levels of appeal at the health plan. The appeal package as defined guarantees our full determination and commitment to see the process through all appeal channels at the plan. This does not guarantee plan determination or the duration of services granted.
- $2,250 minimum commitment of 21 hours, 14 for associate and 8 for advocate.
- Additional hours with pre-approval billed at $75 for associate and $150 for advocate.
- 50% to secure, 50% when an appeals packet is submitted to the health plan.
Appeal at state level or via external independent medical review: Hourly fee
Health plans allow access to a third and final level of review past the two in-house processes. After review of any potential second-level denial, families may choose assistance to challenge the adverse determination via the independent medical review process defined by the terms of the plan.
- $1,050 minimum commitment of 11 hours, 7 for associate and 4 for advocate.
- Additional hours with pre-approval billed at $75 for associate and $150 for advocate.
- 50% to secure, 50% when the appeals packet is submitted to third-party review.

Public Benefits Services
A complimentary 15-minute evaluation call with our Public Benefits Specialist is a perfect starting point to assess your concerns and goals and determine what type of consultation or project will best meet your needs.
Undivided’s Public Benefits Specialist charges a rate of $150 per hour. To begin working, a one-hour deposit is required. Here are some of the areas we commonly support:
Getting started: If you’re just beginning the application process for any public benefits, you can get answers to your questions, clear up misconceptions, and prepare yourself in advance with solutions to some of the most common stumbling blocks that parents face. Support is available for those who will be applying for Regional Center services, In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), California Children’s Services (CCS), Medi-Cal, or a Medi-Cal waiver.
Exploring available resources: Children who are already receiving services frequently have changing or increasing needs as they get older. We can review your goals and concerns and help you ensure that you are fully utilizing the resources available to your child.
Document production or review: Get help drafting a parent letter that you can sign and send to a funding agency, or ask our Public Benefits Specialist to review a letter you’ve written and provide feedback (for example, a request to a Regional Center service coordinator outlining your child’s need for a specific service or a summary letter to accompany documentation to IHSS).
Virtual assistance with forms: On a scheduled Zoom call, our Public Benefits Specialist can answer your questions as you are filling out forms such as the Medi-Cal waiver application, IHSS annual review paperwork, and similar documents. Guidance is limited to providing explanations and answering questions that may come up as you complete the paperwork.
Medi-Cal troubleshooting: Schedule a joint call to the appropriate Medi-Cal agency to sort out confusion with enrollment status, change Medi-Cal managed care plan, and similar administrative concerns.
Preparing for annual review: While we cannot totally erase the anxiety and organizational scramble for that impending annual review, a bit of assistance in preparation goes a long way toward calming those pre-meeting jitters. We can help you prepare for your upcoming annual IHSS reassessment or IFSP/IPP meeting, review potential areas of concern, and take a look at what new services might be available and appropriate based on your child’s needs.
Preparing for an appeal: Reach out to us if you have received a negative Notice of Action (e.g., denying, reducing, or terminating a service). Whether you just received the denial yesterday or are already awaiting your state hearing, we can help you gather the resources and information you need to advocate confidently for your child.
Appeal consult: Discuss your preparation for appeal, receive direction to the applicable criteria and statutes/regulations, review your position statement, get organizational feedback (not legal advice), receive previous case decisions that may be on topic, and go over other publicly available material that could use some translation out of public agency jargon and into parent-friendly language. Depending on your needs, this consultation could include a one-hour phone/Zoom conversation, 30 minutes of research and a 30-minute conversation, or any other configuration of available support that best meets your needs. You can revisit this service as needed throughout your appeal preparation if you would like further guidance.
Note that we cannot give legal advice, evaluate the strength of your case, or suggest specific legal arguments. We recommend that you consult with an attorney if you are seeking legal counsel.

Research Services
An Undivided Researcher will meet with you to discuss your research report needs. During this process, you will have a chance to share all of the specifications you’re looking for and the preferred time frame in which the information is needed. When ready to proceed, you will be sent a contract with a deposit request and a written summary of the work to be done. Then, our team of researchers will begin the research process, ensuring that all data gathered is timely and relevant to your needs.
School Reports
Finding detailed information about a school that meets a child’s unique needs is a common request from Undivided families. Whether you’re searching for class size statistics or focused support services, our curated reports target your specific area of need and take the job of researching schools off your plate. Our reports share information on a school’s curriculum, special education programs, methods of inclusion, and a wide range of other facts.
Note: We are not advocates and cannot recommend a specific school match for a child. Rather, we provide a detailed survey to help parents make informed decisions with the help of their support team.
Example focus areas of school reports: Special education, homeschool charters and homeschooling programs, school of residence, private schools, non-public schools, and disability- and diagnosis-based searches.
- $200 per school deep-dive request (Example of a school deep-dive report)
- $500 per diagnosis-based informational report citing several sources (Example of a diagnosis-based report)
Provider Reports
Undivided’s provider reports will provide current information on the providers and specialists who meet your criteria to support your child’s development.
Example focus areas of provider reports: Physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, neuropsychologists, and ABA providers.
We will research all potential options to match your desired specifications, with the goal of providing three to five resources that meet as many of those specifications as possible. We cannot guarantee that every parameter will be met, as it is dependent on what is currently available in your area.
Cost: $350
Recreational Activity Reports:
Whether your child is interested in taking music lessons or attending summer camps, Undivided’s activity reports will provide current information on the activities and opportunities within the community that will support your child’s goals and interests as well as their physical, emotional, and mental development.
Example focus areas of activity reports: Summer camps, music and dance classes, art lessons, swimming, and sports.
We will research all potential options to match your desired specifications, with the goal of providing three to five resources that meet as many of those specifications as possible. We cannot guarantee that every parameter will be met, as it is dependent on what is currently available in your area.
Cost: $350 (Example of a personalized report requesting at-home hydrotherapy/swim classes)
Miscellaneous Reports:
Additional personalized research reports not listed here are available upon request. Pricing will vary.

Undivided’s Homeschool Specialist charges an hourly rate of $100 per hour for any work done on your behalf.
Homeschool Services
Whether you need support to understand the different types of homeschool programs to choose the best fit for your family or you need support with how to homeschool your child, our dedicated Homeschool Specialist is available to provide personal support for your family’s immediate needs and long-term goals.
Homeschool support may include:
- 1:1 meetings
- Messaging
- Research and sharing findings

Transition Support Services
Our ultimate goal is to work with you to establish a strength-based approach to the transition to adulthood so that your child can make meaningful progress toward their short- and long-term goals.
Undivided Transition Advocates charge a rate of $150 per hour. A deposit equal to four hours of service is required to begin and will be applied to the first four hours of work performed.
Review previous IEPs and assessments: The Transition Advocate may review any previous assessments, reports and documents as well as the last IEP, if applicable. A detailed review can help identify areas that may warrant further assessment or areas of need that have been identified but not addressed by the school district, Regional Center, DOR, or any other agencies you are working with.
Preparation and transition tasks: Your advocate will meet with you to discuss their document review, discuss the next steps to prepare for transition, and collaborate with you and your child if appropriate to create a customized roadmap of areas to consider and tasks to be accomplished to help set your child up for success.
Participation in meetings: Your advocate will take whatever role you decide on together. Your advocate can attend meetings with agencies like Regional Center or DOR or simply work with you prior to the meeting to prepare. Every meeting is different (they can also vary in time and format), and the Undivided team is here to support you at each step.
Continuing support: Once we have created your customized transition roadmap, your advocate will meet with you to debrief, answer any questions, and review the plans and/or documents. This time will also allow for identification of any next steps. As we learn more information, the roadmap will need to be adjusted and amended, and we can help you every step of the way.